The Catholic Secret Weapon!

Did you know Catholics have a secret weapon against the devil? Well….I don’t think it’s a big secret any more but some people just don’t realize the POWER in it! AND that’s the ROSARY! There’s so much power in praying the rosary. I carry one at all times with me…I have one in my purse, briefcase, … Continue reading The Catholic Secret Weapon!

The Year of Mercy

I can't get enough of Pope Francis. He's real. He's fascinating. He's the common people's Pope. He's the kind of Pope I'd love to sit down to dinner with. My guess is he'd be entertaining, drinking wine, and telling jokes. As ordinary of a man he appears to be, he's already made some pretty extraordinary events. His travel to the USA and his Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy beginning Dec. 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016.